Paramahansa Yogananda on Bhagavan Krishna and the Golden Middle Path of Yoga

In his Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda shared, “The wisdom garnered by India, the eldest brother among the nations, is a heritage of all mankind.”

A central figure in that wisdom-legacy is, of course, the prophet and avatar Bhagavan Krishna, whose immortal teachings on the science of yoga and soul-liberation are encapsulated for all the ages in the sublime Bhagavad Gita.

“Krishna was not only a prophet,” Paramahansaji pointed out, “but [had] kingly responsibilities to test his saintliness. He was one of the greatest successes as a man of nonattachment, even though he was a king.”

In honour of the birth anniversary of Sri Krishna (which falls on August 26 this year according to the Hindu lunar calendar), we hope that you can use this month’s Newsletter to connect with the encouraging message and eternal example of balanced living that Sri Krishna brought to humanity — and to support your enthusiasm for experiencing the Divine within yourself.